Thursday, October 2, 2014

Small Unit

Small Unit                                                 ART 432                                  Roggenkamp

Create a small unit based about a central focus and appropriate for high school art curriculum and for high school students’ needs.  Use an artist or artwork from the Oberlin field trip.

Your unit should:
                  1.  Expose students to new aspects of visual art and or culture
                  2.  Teach new skills
                  3.  Allow for your students’ creative expression.

Planning your unit:
Identify your students
Choose a central focus/topic.  Research that topic: Due Oct 9
Justify your central focus/topic based on your understanding of these students
Consider academic language for this unit.

Instructing and engaging students: (prepare to discuss this in class)
How will you create a challenging learning environment?
How will you motivate or ‘hook’ your students?
What types of questions will you ask of students to get them involved in learning?
In what ways will you encourage/develop the students’ personal expressive artwork through this unit?
How will you develop understandings of the content you present?
How will you deepen and extend understandings of that content?
How will you use of representations/visual aids/demonstrations to further students’ understandings?

Writing Objectives:
Choose and list what specific lessons will be part of this unit.
Match them to the state art standards.
Write objectives and list standards for four lessons.  Due Oct 16
They should be measurable and attainable.

Write one rubric, one quiz, one checklist. 
Write one informal assessment.
Write one student self critique sheet.   Assessments due Oct 23
Be prepared to discuss your assessments.
                                    Formative and Summative assessment. 
                                    Informal and formal assessment.
How will you have students analyze their work and use feedback?
How will you analyze use of language?
How will you use assessment to inform your instruction during the lesson to provide student feedback?  and after the lesson for future lessons?
How will you reflect on your teaching for the future?

Discussion Unit

Discussion Unit Information and Worksheet

Choose a topic by considering an artist, an artwork, a specific culture or a concept.  Choose something about which you could create an instructional unit comprised of 3-5 lessons.  Choose an idea that will relate to a high school art curriculum and to high school students’ interests and needs.

Your lessons should:
                        1.  Expose students to new aspects of visual art and or culture
                        2. Allow for your students’ creative expression
                        3. Teach new skills

Due Sept 30.  Answer the following questions on another sheet of paper.  Be complete in your answers.  Type/word process.

Choose a topic and research appropriate information about your topic. 


Clarify your idea through class discussion then respond to the following questions.

Why this topic? 
How does it relate to high school students? 
How does it relate to expanding students’ art learning? 

Respond in writing to the following topics:

What new aspects of visual art or culture are your students engaging in?

In what way will the students be creative and express themselves and their unique ideas?

What new skills and ideas will be taught?  
What media and technique ideas? 
What art language ideas?

Identify individual lessons and give a general sense of what will be taught in each lesson.  (3-5 lessons)

Choose one lesson to expand into a lesson plan using the AU lesson plan format.  (Lesson due Oct 2)