Thursday, October 2, 2014

Discussion Unit

Discussion Unit Information and Worksheet

Choose a topic by considering an artist, an artwork, a specific culture or a concept.  Choose something about which you could create an instructional unit comprised of 3-5 lessons.  Choose an idea that will relate to a high school art curriculum and to high school students’ interests and needs.

Your lessons should:
                        1.  Expose students to new aspects of visual art and or culture
                        2. Allow for your students’ creative expression
                        3. Teach new skills

Due Sept 30.  Answer the following questions on another sheet of paper.  Be complete in your answers.  Type/word process.

Choose a topic and research appropriate information about your topic. 


Clarify your idea through class discussion then respond to the following questions.

Why this topic? 
How does it relate to high school students? 
How does it relate to expanding students’ art learning? 

Respond in writing to the following topics:

What new aspects of visual art or culture are your students engaging in?

In what way will the students be creative and express themselves and their unique ideas?

What new skills and ideas will be taught?  
What media and technique ideas? 
What art language ideas?

Identify individual lessons and give a general sense of what will be taught in each lesson.  (3-5 lessons)

Choose one lesson to expand into a lesson plan using the AU lesson plan format.  (Lesson due Oct 2)

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